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After six long months, the never ending wrappy cardigan is DONE! It feels like a weight is lifted. I don't have to worry about getting it done anymore. I can move on with other projects. I might actually learn to knit socks or knit up my jabberwocky.
I was a little unhappy with how it came out, but I think it's mostly because I was sick of working on it. My sister really likes it. She didn't even notice some of the mistakes I made (like the weird attempt I took to close the holes at the arm joins. It looks REALLY good on her, too. She wears it so well. It was a nice yarn with a good drape. She said it's finally a knitted good that she'll wear! Hooray!
Now to get back to the entrelac baby blanket, the only other gift project I'm working on (until I start the entrelac scarf for Valli).
I finished the first arm on Trish's Rayne Wrap Cardigan. I think I can finish up the second by this weekend. I can't wait to give it to her.
In other news: I've been commissioned to make an entrelac scarf with some Crystal Palace Mini-mochi that I have. Yum!
My latest "see what all the fuss is about" focus is the most recent iteration of BBC's Dr. Who. I'm most of the way through the first season, where the doctor is played by Christopher Eggleston. There have been some pretty cute knits already - especially a scarf worn by Rose in Boom Town which is a bit reminiscent of my whimsical scarf. I'm dig the fact that Rose is played by Billie Piper. I didn't realize that she had done a whole lot before Secret Diary of a Call Girl.
Before I had seen the show, I had already wanted to knit up Roses Wrist Warmers. I had casted them on over the summer, but I didn't really know how to knit in the round at that time. I think I will try again. It's a free pattern, so some of the instructions are a little wonky, but they definitely look cool.
Another cool pattern is the Tardis ipod cozy. I'm not big on cozies for ipods and such, but this looks like a quick knit and a good quick gift for someone who might be a fan of the show.
As for my works in progress, I have a few rectangle rows to go on my entrelac blanket. I think I'm going to throw a crochet border on it to make it look more finished. I'm still only halfway through one sleeve on the cardigan for Trish. This is priority one right now since I'm going to see her next weekend. I just need to sit and crank through it. The World Champion sweater is still in hibernation and I think the goal of getting it done before opening day is now out of the question. The Seraphim shawl is my go-to portable project, the one I take on the metro and to things like the super pet expo (today and tomorrow!!!). I've got 5 rows of stockinette left, then it starts to get interesting...thankfully.
I need to finish at least two of my current WIPs before starting something else. My next feat will be socks for my feet. (heh). And probably Oceane in Berroco Bonsai.
A common refrain between my work husband and me is from South Park:
Phase 1: Steal Underpants
Phase 2: ????
Phase 3: Profit!
For me right now, it's more about raising money for the non-profit my company supports - the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation. I'm planning a fundraiser for April - probably a silent auction - to go with the company's spring party. Just one small step on the way to an even bigger undertaking. My CEO expressed to me her desire to raise $10k by the end of the year so to sponsor a US&R (urban search and rescue) dog. It's quite an ambitious goal, but one I would like to achieve. I'm just in search of that elusive Phase 2. How do I get there from here? Unfortunately, this question has been keeping me up at night for the past week or so. I know CEO is depending on me to reach this goal, but with everything else I have to do, I'm not so confident that it will happen. My first priority is my project, which is about to get B-U-S-Y. We're moving offices and implementing a reorganization within 4 days next week. I'm sure my knitting will get much tighter as I deal with that stress.
(see how I made that segue into knitting??? :) )
I finally got pictures of the cool shrug I made out of Black Louet EuroFlax. It's pretty nice. I've already worn it to work and got some complements on it - and on my outfit as a whole (I wore it with my favorite little black dress).
I'm still working on the entrelac blanket and the neverending cardigan for my sister (1.5 sleeves to go). When those are finished, I'll pick up my World Champion sweater and probably knit up the Jabberwocky from last month's fibre girl package.
I had wanted to update much sooner than this, but I got really sick over the weekend. I agreed to have lunch with my parents at a Chinese buffet on Saturday afternoon. Worst Idea, EVAR! Guess who got the norovirus? That's right, me! I haven't been sick like that since my 2nd year at UVa. I could only move so that I could get to the bathroom. It was kind of good that I got it down at my parent's house because I wouldn't have been able to get out of bed to let Rikku out. Thankfully, they were able to take care of her and Jeter while I stayed in bed all day. I wound up being out of work on Monday and I'm still really really wiped after two days. So wiped, I had to ask my friend Stacey to postpone her visit to another weekend. I was so sick I couldn't even knit! FEH!

Another good thing about being at my parents' house was that they have the YES Network, so I was able to catch a spring training game. I wasn't the only one looking forward to it. As soon as the game came on, Jeter took up his normal TV watching seat and was quickly sucked in. Here he is taking advice from Joe Girardi.
On my way home Monday afternoon, I was able to swing by fibre space and pick up the first kit for the Fibre Girl Club. This month was Alice in Wonderland themed (shocker) with the pattern "Jabberwocky" by Tanis Gray, Alice in Wonderland stitch markers by Knit Girl in Idaho, a skein of madelinetosh wren in glazed pecan. I can't wait to start on it. I really can't wait to see what comes next time!
I was able to finish the cool shrug in Louet Euroflax Linen. I'd post a picture, but it's drying right now. Instead, I'll give a little sneak peek of the entrelac baby blanket I'm working on for a friend. I'm about 1/3 of the way done with it. I love it. The color looks much better in person.
And for anyone who might be a fan of Etsy, check out Regretsy. Sooooo funny.
I cannot believe it's March already! I also cannot believe I haven't seen my grandparents or my sister and her fam since Christmas. I'm such a bad granddaughter/sister/aunt. Hopefully I'll be able to see my grandparents this weekend - I really hope so because my grandfather was in the hospital with pneumonia for a few days this week. I've got myself penciled in for my sister's house for the last weekend in March.
In knitting news, I decided to make my dad an Olympic Hat, based on the Ralph Lauren hats that the American olympians wore in Vancouver. There was a free pattern on Ravelry and I used some Berroco Vintage in Dark Denim, Sour Cherry and Mochi. I haven't blocked it yet, but I hope that when I do, the blue carries behind the white will fade and not show through as much. I love the blue band, though.
I also finished my whimsical scarf with the Mango Moon Chakra I got on vacation. It was a little short at first, but has stretched as I've worn it. I like it, it's fun. Everyone compliments me on it, too. It's an eye catcher.
I'm also looking forward to learning how to make socks. I think I've picked out a pattern - an easy ribbed pattern - for my Miss Babs Yummy in Roan Mountain Morning. It's really pretty yarn and hope it pools well.
I'm still working on the entrelac baby blanket for my friend. At Stitch in Space last night, Lesley taught me how to purl backwards, so I don't have to keep turning my work! It's really great. Saves me so much time on the project and I don't have to worry about things getting tangled and messy. I think I'm about 1/3 through.
I still haven't done a whole lot of work on my sister's cardigan. It's just SO BORING! I'm about 1/3 done with the first sleeve. I should just go ahead and finish it already. Maybe it'll be the only thing I take to Stafford. That'll make me focus.