Ok, first off, I take responsibility for the awfulness of that title. It's just too early to come up with something wittier than a 1985 one hit wonder.
But it does fit the post. I had my second, and final, spin class last night and guess what!?!?! I made yarn!!!! It's really pretty and I think I can actually use it. :) I got some "barber pole" sections, and they look really cool. I made about 29 yards, so have to spin a bunch more before I can actually make something more than a bookmark, but that's fine. Now that I've got the hang of this spinning thing, I think I'll alternate it with my knitting. I'm not anywhere near buying a wheel yet, but spinning is definitely something I want to continue to improve.
In other news, last Wednesday I received two baby shower invitations for the same day. One is in Alexandria for my best friend Amy, the other is in Katonah, New York for my best friend, Emily. Unfortunately, my superwoman underwear doesn't allow me to be in two places at once, and since my company party is that evening, I'll be attending Amy's shower. Of course, this means I am attempting to knit TWO baby blankets in the next month. I could've done it last year when I was unemployed, but with a full time job and a few jam packed weekends, I don't know if I'll be able to get them done in time. Luckily, I'm using the same pattern for both, one in dark blue, one in dark green.

I've also been working on these snapdragon flip-top mittens. I've gotten one done and am partway through the cuff of the second. The cuff pattern is a little challenging, but as long as I keep to the instructions, it's fine. I need to put buttons on them to keep the flip top in place. Believe it or not, this is the first time I've ever done I-cord (the i stands for "idiot"...no really....look it up). As the name suggests, it was ridiculously easy.
Anyway, off to work for another intriguing week of use case reviews. I know you're jealous. You can admit it.